× Few antiviral products inadequately detect 3proxy as Trojan.Daemonize, Backdoor.Daemonize, etc and many detect 3proxy as a PUA (potentially unwanted program). It may cause browser warning on download page. 3proxy is not trojan or backdoor and contains no functionality except described in documentation. Clear explanation of this fact is given, for example, in Microsoft's article.




3proxy.cfg 3proxy configuration file


Common structure:
Configuration file is a text file 3proxy reads configuration from. Each line of the file is a command executed immediately, as it was given from console. Sequence of commands is important. Configuration file as actually a script for 3proxy executable. Each line of the file is treated as a blank (space or tab) separated command line. Additional space characters are ignored. Think about 3proxy as "application level router" with console interface.

Any string beginning with space character or ´#´ character is comment. It´s ignored. <LF>s are ignored. <CR> is end of command.

Quotation character is " (double quote). Quotation must be used to quote spaces or another special characters. To use quotation character inside quotation character must be dubbed (BASIC convention). For example to use HELLO "WORLD" as an argument you should use it as "HELLO ""WORLD""". Good practice is to quote any argument you use.

File inclusion:
You can include file by using $FILENAME macro (replace FILENAME with a path to file, for example $/usr/local/etc/3proxy/conf.incl or
$"c:\\Program Files\3proxy\include.cfg" Quotation is required in last example because path contains space character. For included file <CR> (end of line characters) is treated as space character (arguments delimiter instead of end of command delimiter). Thus, include files are only useful to store long signle-line commands (like userlist, network lists, etc). To use dollar sign somewhere in argument it must be quoted. Recursion is not allowed.

Next commands start gateway services:

proxy [options]
HTTP/HTTPS proxy (default port 3128)
SOCKS 4/4.5/5 proxy (default port 1080)
SNI proxy (destination address is taken from TLS handshake), may be used to redirect any TLS-based traffic
Proxy with protocol autoselection between proxy / socks / tlspr
POP3 proxy (default port 110)
SMTP proxy (default port 25)
FTP proxy (default port 21)
Web interface (default port 80)
caching DNS proxy (default port 53)
TCP portmapper
UDP portmapper

change default server port to NUMBER
disable NTLM authentication (required if passwords are stored in Unix crypt format).
enable NTLMv1 authentication.
delay GRACE_DELAY milliseconds before polling if average polling size below GRACE_TRAFF bytes and GRACE_NUM read operations in single directions are detected within 1 second. Useful to minimize polling -s
(for admin) secure, allow only secure operations, currently only traffic counters view without ability to reset.
(for dnspr) simple, do not use resolver and 3proxy cache, always use external DNS server.
(for udppm) singlepacket, expect only one packet from both client and server
Never ask for username/password
(for socks) require username/password in authentication methods
(for proxy) anonymous proxy (no information about client reported)
(for proxy) anonymous proxy (random client information reported)
(for proxy) generate Via: and X-Forwared-For: instead of Forwarded:
Only resolve IPv6 addresses. IPv4 addresses are packed in IPv6 in IPV6_V6ONLY compatible way.
Only resolve IPv4 addresses
Resolve IPv6 addresses if IPv4 address is not resolvable
Resolve IPv4 addresses if IPv6 address is not resolvable
listen on given local HOST:port for incoming connections instead of making remote outgoing connection. Can be used with another 3proxy service running -r option for connect back functionality. Most commonly used with tcppm. HOST can be given as IP or hostname, useful in case of dynamic DNS.
connect to given remote HOST:port instead of listening local connection on -p or default port. Can be used with another 3proxy service running -R option for connect back functionality. Most commonly used with proxy or socks. HOST can be given as IP or hostname, useful in case of dynamic DNS.
options for proxy-to-client (oc), proxy-to-server (os), proxy listening (ol), connect back client (or), connect back listening (oR) sockets. Options like TCP_CORK, TCP_NODELAY, TCP_DEFER_ACCEPT, TCP_QUICKACK, TCP_TIMESTAMPS, USE_TCP_FASTOPEN, SO_REUSEADDR, SO_REUSEPORT, SO_PORT_SCALABILITY, SO_REUSE_UNICASTPORT, SO_KEEPALIVE, SO_DONTROUTE may be supported depending on OS.
bind internal interface / external inteface to given INTERFACE (e.g. eth0) if SO_BINDTODEVICE supported by system. You may need to run as root or to have CAP_NET_RAW capability in order to bind to interface, depending on system, so this option may require root privileges and can be incompatible with some configuraton commands like chroot and setuid (and daemon if setcap is used).
External address. IP address of interface proxy should initiate connections from. External IP must be specified if you need incoming connections. By default system will deside which address to use in accordance with routing table.
Internal address. IP address proxy accepts connections to. By default connection to any interface is accepted.
(for socks) External NAT address 3proxy reports to client for BIND and UDPASSOC By default external address is reported. It’s only useful in the case of IP-IP NAT (will not work for PAT)
Also, all options mentioned for proxy(8) socks(8) pop3p(8) tcppm(8) udppm(8) ftppr(8)
are also supported.
Portmapping services listen at SRCPORT and connect to DSTADDR:DSTPORT HTTP and SOCKS proxies are standard.
POP3 proxy must be configured as POP3 server and requires username in the form of: pop3username@pop3server. If POP3 proxy access must be authenticated, you can specify username as proxy_username:proxy_password:POP3_username@pop3server
DNS proxy resolves any types of records but only hostnames are cached. It requires nserver/nscache to be configured. If nserver is configured as TCP, redirections are applied on connection, so parent proxy may be used to resolve names to IP.
FTP proxy can be used as FTP server in any FTP client or configured as FTP proxy on a client with FTP proxy support. Username format is one of
Please note, if you use FTP client interface for FTP proxy do not add FTPpassword and FTPServer to username, because FTP client does it for you. That is, if you use 3proxy with authentication use proxyuser:proxypassword:FTPuser as FTP username, otherwise do not change original FTP user name

include <path>
Include config file

config <path>
Path to configuration file to use on 3proxy restart or to save configuration.

ReOpens configuration file for write access via Web interface, and rereads it. Usually should be first command on config file but in combination with config it can be used anywhere to open alternate config file. Think twice before using it.

End of configuration

log [[@|&]logfile] [<LOGTYPE>]
sets logfile for all gateways
@ (for Unix) use syslog, filename is used as ident name
& use ODBC, filename consists of comma-delimited datasource,username,password (username and password are optional)
radius - use RADIUS for logging
LOGTYPE is one of:
M Monthly
W Weekly (starting from Sunday)
D Daily
H Hourly
if logfile is not specified logging goes to stdout. You can specify individual logging options for gateway by using -l option in gateway configuration.
log command supports same format specifications for filename template as "logformat" (if filename contains ´%´ sign it´s believed to be template). As with "logformat" filename must begin with ´L´ or ´G´ to specify Local or Grinwitch time zone for all time-based format specificators.

rotate <n>
how many archived log files to keep

logformat <format>
Format for log record. First symbol in format must be L (local time) or G (absolute Grinwitch time). It can be preceeded with -XXX+Y where XXX is list of characters to be filtered in user input (any non-printable characters are filtered too in this case) and Y is replacement character. For example, "-,%+ L" in the beginning of logformat means comma and percent are replaced with space and all time based elemnts are in local time zone.
You can use:

%y Year in 2 digit format
%Y Year in 4 digit format
%m Month number
%o Month abbriviature
%d Day
%H Hour
%M Minute
%S Second
%t Timstamp (in seconds since 01-Jan-1970)
%. milliseconds
%z timeZone (from Grinvitch)
%D request duration (in milliseconds)
%b average send rate per request (in Bytes per second) this speed is typically below connection speed shown by download manager.
%B average receive rate per request (in Bytes per second) this speed is typically below connection speed shown by download manager.
%U Username
%N service Name
%p service Port
%E Error code
%C Client IP
%c Client port
%R Remote IP
%r Remote port
%i Internal IP used to accept client connection
%e External IP used to establish connection
%Q Requested IP
%q Requested port
%n requested hostname
%I bytes In
%O bytes Out
%h Hops (redirections) count
%T service specific Text
%N1-N2T (N1 and N2 are positive numbers) log only fields from N1 thorugh N2 of service specific text
in the case of ODBC logging logformat specifies SQL statement, for exmample:
logformat "-´+_Linsert into log (l_date, l_user, l_service, l_in, l_out, l_descr) values (´%d-%m-%Y %H:%M:%S´, ´%U´, ´%N´, %I, %O, ´%T´)"

logdump <in_traffic_limit> <out_traffic_limit>
Immediately creates additional log records if given amount of incoming/outgoing traffic is achieved for connection, without waiting for connection to finish. It may be useful to prevent information about long-lasting downloads on server shutdown.

archiver <ext> <commandline>
Archiver to use for log files. <ext> is file extension produced by archiver. Filename will be last argument to archiver, optionally you can use %A as produced archive name and %F as filename.

Sets timeout values, defaults 1, 5, 30, 60, 180, 1800, 15, 60, 15, 5.
BYTE_SHORT short timeout for single byte, is usually used for receiving single byte from stream.
BYTE_LONG long timeout for single byte, is usually used for receiving first byte in frame (for example first byte in socks request).
STRING_SHORT short timeout, for character string within stream (for example to wait between 2 HTTP headers)
STRING_LONG long timeout, for first string in stream (for example to wait for HTTP request).
CONNECTION_SHORT inactivity timeout for short connections (HTTP, POP3, etc).
CONNECTION_LONG inactivity timeout for long connection (SOCKS, portmappers, etc).
DNS timeout for DNS request before requesting next server
CHAIN timeout for reading data from chained connection
default timeouts 1 5 30 60 180 1800 15 60 15 5

radius <NAS_SECRET> <radius_server_1[:port][/local_address_1]> <radius_server_2[:port][/local_address_2]>
Configures RADIUS servers to be used for logging and authentication (log and auth types must be set to radius). port and local address to use with given server may be specified.
Attributes within request: User-Name, Password: (username and password if presented by client), Service Type: Authenticate-Only, NAS-Port-Type: NAS-Port-Virtual, NAS-Port-ID: (proxy service port, e.g. 1080), NAS-IPv6-Address / NAS-IP-Address: (proxy interface accessed by client), NAS-Identifier: (text identifing proxy, e.g. PROXY or SOCKSv5), Framed-IPv6-Address / Framed-IP-Address: (IP address of the client), Called-Station-ID: (requested Hostname, if presents), Login-Service: (type of request, e.g. 1001 - SOCKS CONNECT, 1010 - HTTP GET, 1013 - HTTP CONNECT), Login-TCP-Port: (requested port), Login-IPv6-Host / Login-IP-Host: (requested IP).
Supported reply attributes for authentication: Framed-IP-Address / Framed-IPv6-Address (IP to assign to user), Reply-Message. Use authcache to speedup authentication. RADIUS feature is currently experimental.

nserver <ipaddr>[:port][/tcp]
Nameserver to use for name resolutions. If none specified system routines for name resolution is used. Optional port number may be specified. If optional /tcp is added to IP address, name resolution is performed over TCP.

nscache <cachesize> nscache6 <cachesize>
Cache <cachesize> records for name resolution (nscache for IPv4, nscache6 for IPv6). Cachesize usually should be large enougth (for example 65536).

nsrecord <hostname> <hostaddr>
Adds static record to nscache. nscache must be enabled. If is used as a hostaddr host will never resolve, it can be used to blacklist something or together with dialer command to set up UDL for dialing.

All names are resolved to address. Usefull if all requests are redirected to parent proxy with http, socks4+, connect+ or socks5+.

dialer <progname>
Execute progname if external name can´t be resolved. Hint: if you use nscache, dialer may not work, because names will be resolved through cache. In this case you can use something like http://dial.right.now/ from browser to set up connection.

internal <ipaddr>
sets ip address of internal interface. This IP address will be used to bind gateways. Alternatively you can use -i option for individual gateways. Since 0.8 version, IPv6 address may be used.

external <ipaddr>
sets ip address of external interface. This IP address will be source address for all connections made by proxy. Alternatively you can use -e option to specify individual address for gateway. Since 0.8 version External or -e can be given twice: once with IPv4 and once with IPv6 address.

maxconn <number>
sets maximum number of simulationeous connections to each service started after this command on network level. Default is 100.
To limit clients, use connlim instead. maxconn will silently ignore new connections, while connlim will report back to the client that the connection limit has been reached.

sets the listening socket backlog of new connections. Default is 1 + maxconn/8. Maximum value is capped by kernel tunable somaxconn.

(depricated). Indicates 3proxy to behave as Windows 95/98/NT/2000/XP service, no effect for Unix. Not required for 3proxy 0.6 and above. If you upgraded from previous version of 3proxy use --remove and --install to reinstall service.

Should be specified to close console. Do not use ´daemon´ with ´service´. At least under FreeBSD ´daemon´ should preceed any proxy service and log commands to avoid sockets problem. Always place it in the beginning of the configuration file.

auth <authtype> [...]
Type of user authorization. Currently supported:
none - no authentication or authorization required.
Note: is auth is none any ip based limitation, redirection, etc will not work. This is default authentication type
iponly - authentication by access control list with username ignored.
Appropriate for most cases
useronly - authentication by username without checking for any password with authorization by ACLs. Useful for e.g. SOCKSv4 proxy and icqpr (icqpr set UIN / AOL screen name as a username)
dnsname - authentication by DNS hostnname with authorization by ACLs. DNS hostname is resolved via PTR (reverse) record and validated (resolved name must resolve to same IP address). It´s recommended to use authcache by ip for this authentication. NB: there is no any password check, name may be spoofed.
strong - username/password authentication required. It will work with SOCKSv5, FTP, POP3 and HTTP proxy.
cache - cached authentication, may be used with ´authcache´.
radius - authentication with RADIUS.
Plugins may add additional authentication types.

It´s possible to use few authentication types in the same commands. E.g.
auth iponly strong
In this case ´strong´ authentication will be used only in case resource access can not be performed with ´iponly´ authentication, that is username is required in ACL. It´s usefull to protect access to some resources with password allowing passwordless access to another resources, or to use IP-based authentication for dedicated laptops and request username/password for shared ones.

authcache <cachtype> <cachtime>
Cache authentication information to given amount of time (cachetime) in seconds. Cahtype is one of:
ip - after successful authentication all connections during caching time from same IP are assigned to the same user, username is not requested.
ip,user username is requested and all connections from the same IP are assigned to the same user without actual authentication.
user - same as above, but IP is not checked.
user,password - both username and password are checked against cached ones.
limit - limit user to use only one ip, ´ip´ and ´user´ are required
acl - only use cached auth if user access service with same ACL
ext - cache external IP
Use auth type ´cache´ for cached authentication

allow <userlist> <sourcelist> <targetlist> <targetportlist> <operationlist> <weekdayslist> <timeperiodslist>
<userlist> <sourcelist> <targetlist> <targetportlist> <operationlist> <weekdayslist> <timeperiodslist>
Access control entries. All lists are comma-separated, no spaces are allowed. Usernames are case sensitive (if used with authtype nbname username must be in uppercase). Source and target lists may contain IP addresses (W.X.Y.Z), ranges A.B.C.D - W.X.Y.Z (since 0.8) or CIDRs (W.X.Y.Z/L). Since 0.6, targetlist may also contain host names, instead of addresses. It´s possible to use wildmask in the begginning and in the the end of hostname, e.g. *badsite.com or *badcontent*. Hostname is only checked if hostname presents in request. Targetportlist may contain ports (X) or port ranges lists (X-Y). For any field * sign means ANY. If access list is empty it´s assumed to be
allow *
If access list is not empty last item in access list is assumed to be
deny *
You may want explicitly add deny * to the end of access list to prevent HTTP proxy from requesting user´s password. Access lists are checked after user have requested any resource. If you want 3proxy to reject connections from specific addresses immediately without any conditions you should either bind proxy to appropriate interface only or to use ip filters.

Operation is one of:
CONNECT establish outgoing TCP connection
BIND bind TCP port for listening
UDPASSOC make UDP association
ICMPASSOC make ICMP association (for future use)
HTTP_OTHER over HTTP request
HTTP matches any HTTP request except HTTP_CONNECT
FTP_GET FTP get request
FTP_PUT FTP put request
FTP_LIST FTP list request
FTP_DATA FTP data connection. Note: FTP_DATA requires access to dynamic non-ptivileged (1024-65535) ports on remote side.
FTP matches any FTP/FTP Data request
ADMIN access to administration interface

Weeksdays are week days numbers or periods, 0 or 7 means Sunday, 1 is Monday, 1-5 means Monday through Friday.
Timeperiodlists is a list of time periods in HH:MM:SS-HH:MM:SS format. For example, 00:00:00-08:00:00,17:00:00-24:00:00 lists non-working hours.

parent <weight> <type> <ip> <port> <username> <password>
this command must follow "allow" rule. It extends last allow rule to build proxy chain. Proxies may be grouped. Proxy inside the group is selected randomly. If few groups are specified one proxy is randomly picked from each group and chain of proxies is created (that is second proxy connected through first one and so on). Weight is used to group proxies. Weigt is a number between 1 and 1000. Weights are summed and proxies are grouped together untill weight of group is 1000. That is:
allow *
parent 500 socks5 1080
parent 500 connect 3128
makes 3proxy to randomly choose between 2 proxies for all outgoing connections. These 2 proxies form 1 group (summarized weight is 1000).
allow * * * 80
parent 1000 socks5 1080
parent 1000 connect 3128
parent 300 socks4 1080
parent 700 socks5 1080
creates chain of 3 proxies:, and third is ( with probability of 0.3 or with probability of 0.7) for outgoing web connections. Chains are only applied to new connections, pipelined (keep-alive) requests in the same connection use the same chain.

type is one of:
extip does not actully redirect request, it sets external address for this request to <ip>. It can be chained with another parent types. It’s usefaul to set external IP based on ACL or make it random.
tcp simply redirect connection. TCP is always last in chain. This type of proxy is a simple TCP redirection, it does not support parent authentication.
http redirect to HTTP proxy. HTTP is always the last chain. It should only be used with http (proxy) service, if used with different service, it works as tcp redirection.
pop3 redirect to POP3 proxy (only local redirection is supported, can only be used as a first hop in chaining)
ftp redirect to FTP proxy (only local redirection is supported, can only be used as a first hop in chaining)
connect parent is HTTP CONNECT method proxy
connect+ parent is HTTP CONNECT proxy with name resolution (hostname is used instead of IP if available)
socks4 parent is SOCKSv4 proxy
socks4+ parent is SOCKSv4 proxy with name resolution (SOCKSv4a)
socks5 parent is SOCKSv5 proxy
socks5+ parent is SOCKSv5 proxy with name resolution
socks4b parent is SOCKS4b (broken SOCKSv4 implementation with shortened server reply. I never saw this kind ofservers byt they say there are). Normally you should not use this option. Do not mess this option with SOCKSv4a (socks4+).
socks5b parent is SOCKS5b (broken SOCKSv5 implementation with shortened server reply. I think you will never find it useful). Never use this option unless you know exactly you need it.
admin redirect request to local ´admin´ service (with -s parameter).
Use "+" proxy only with "fakeresolve" option

IP and port are ip addres and port of parent proxy server. If IP is zero, ip is taken from original request, only port is changed. If port is zero, it´s taken from original request, only IP is changed. If both IP and port are zero - it´s a special case of local redirection, it works only with socks proxy. In case of local redirection request is redirected to different service, ftp locally redirects to ftppr pop3 locally redirects to pop3p http locally redurects to proxy admin locally redirects to admin -s service.

Main purpose of local redirections is to have requested resource (URL or POP3 username) logged and protocol-specific filters to be applied. In case of local redirection ACLs are revied twice: first, by SOCKS proxy up to ´parent´ command and then with gateway service connection is redirected (HTTP, FTP or POP3) after ´parent´ command. It means, additional ´allow´ command is required for redirected requests, for example:
allow * * * 80
parent 1000 http 0
allow * * * 80 HTTP_GET,HTTP_POST
redirects all SOCKS requests with target port 80 to local HTTP proxy, local HTTP proxy parses requests and allows only GET and POST requests.
parent 1000 http 0
Changes external address for given connection to (an equivalent to -e1.2.3.4)
Optional username and password are used to authenticate on parent proxy. Username of ´*´ means username must be supplied by user.

nolog <n>
extends last allow or deny command to prevent logging, e.g.
allow * *

weight <n>
extends last allow or deny command to set weight for this request
allow * *
weight 100
Weight may be used for different purposes.


If force is specified for service, configuration reload will require all current sessions of this service to be re-authenticated. If ACL is changed or user account is removed, old connections which do not match current are closed. noforce allows to keep previously authenticated connections.

bandlimin <rate> <userlist> <sourcelist> <targetlist> <targetportlist> <operationlist> <weekdayslist> <timeperiodslist>
<userlist> <sourcelist> <targetlist> <targetportlist> <operationlist> <weekdayslist> <timeperiodslist>
<rate> <userlist> <sourcelist> <targetlist> <targetportlist> <operationlist> <weekdayslist> <timeperiodslist>
<userlist> <sourcelist> <targetlist> <targetportlist> <operationlist> <weekdayslist> <timeperiodslist>
bandlim sets bandwith limitation filter to <rate> bps (bits per second) If you want to specife bytes per second - multiply your value to 8. bandlim rules act in a same manner as allow/deny rules except one thing: bandwidth limiting is applied to all services, not to some specific service. bandlimin and nobandlimin applies to incoming traffic bandlimout and nobandlimout applies to outgoing traffic If tou want to ratelimit your clients with IPs (4 addresses) to 57600 bps you have to specify 4 rules like
bandlimin 57600 *
bandlimin 57600 *
bandlimin 57600 *
bandlimin 57600 *
and every of you clients will have 56K channel. If you specify
bandlimin 57600 *
you will have 56K channel shared between all clients. if you want, for example, to limit all speed ecept access to POP3 you can use
nobandlimin * * * 110
before the rest of bandlim rules.

connlim <rate> <period> <userlist> <sourcelist> <targetlist> <targetportlist> <operationlist> <weekdayslist> <timeperiodslist>
<userlist> <sourcelist> <targetlist> <targetportlist> <operationlist> <weekdayslist> <timeperiodslist>
connlim sets connections rate limit per time period for traffic pattern controlled by ACL. Period is in seconds. If period is 0, connlim limits a number of parallel connections.
connlim 100 60 *
allows 100 connections per minute for
connlim 20 0 *
allows 20 simulationeous connections for
Like with bandlimin, if individual limit is required per client, separate rule mustbe added for every client. Like with nobanlimin, noconnlim adds an exception.

counter <filename> <reporttype> <repotname>
<number> <type> <limit> <userlist> <sourcelist> <targetlist> <targetportlist> <operationlist> <weekdayslist> <timeperiodslist>
<userlist> <sourcelist> <targetlist> <targetportlist> <operationlist> <weekdayslist> <timeperiodslist>
<number> <type> <limit> <userlist> <sourcelist> <targetlist> <targetportlist> <operationlist> <weekdayslist> <timeperiodslist>
<userlist> <sourcelist> <targetlist> <targetportlist> <operationlist> <weekdayslist> <timeperiodslist>
<number> <type> <limit> <userlist> <sourcelist> <targetlist> <targetportlist> <operationlist> <weekdayslist> <timeperiodslist>
<userlist> <sourcelist> <targetlist> <targetportlist> <operationlist> <weekdayslist> <timeperiodslist>

counter, countin, nocountin, countout, noucountout, countall, nocountall commands are used to set traffic limit in MB for period of time (day, week or month). Filename is a path to a special file where traffic information is permanently stored. number is sequential number of record in this file. If number is 0 this counter is not preserved in counter file (that is if proxy restarted all counters with 0 are flushed) overwise it should be unique sequential number which points to position of the couter within the file. Type specifies a type of counter. Type is one of:
H - counter is resetted hourly
D - counter is resetted daily
W - counter is resetted weekly
M - counter is resetted monthely
reporttype/repotname may be used to generate traffic reports. Reporttype is one of D,W,M,H(hourly) and repotname specifies filename template for reports. Report is text file with counter values in format:
The rest of parameters is identical to bandlim/nobandlim.

users username[:pwtype:password] ...
pwtype is one of:
none (empty) - use system authentication
CL - password is cleartext
CR - password is crypt-style password
NT - password is NT password (in hex)
users test1:CL:password1 "test2:CR:$1$lFDGlder$pLRb4cU2D7GAT58YQvY49."
users test3:NT:BD7DFBF29A93F93C63CB84790DA00E63

Note: double quotes are requiered because password contains $ sign.

empty active access list. Access list must be flushed avery time you creating new access list for new service. For example:
allow *
allow *
sets different ACLs for pop3p and socks

system <command>
execute system command

pidfile <filename>
write pid of current process to file. It can be used to manipulate 3proxy with signals under Unix. Currently next signals are available:

monitor <filename>
If file monitored changes in modification time or size, 3proxy reloads configuration within one minute. Any number of files may be monitored.

setuid <uid>
calls setuid(uid), uid can be numeric or since 0.9 username. Unix only. Warning: under some Linux kernels setuid() works for current thread only. It makes it impossible to suid for all threads.

setgid <gid>
calls setgid(gid), gid can be numeric or since 0.9 groupname. Unix only.

chroot <path> [<uid>] [<gid>]
calls chroot(path) and sets gid/uid. Unix only. uid/gid supported since 0.9, can be numeric or username/groupname

stacksize <value_to_add_to_default_stack_size>
Change default size for threads stack. May be required in some situation, e.g. with non-default plugins, on on some platforms (some FreeBSD version may require adjusting stack size due to invalid defined value in system header files, this value is also oftent reqruied to be changed for ODBC and PAM support on Linux. If you experience 3proxy crash on request processing, try to set some positive value. You may start with stacksize 65536 and then find the minimal value for service to work. If you experience memory shortage, you can try to experiment with negative values.


plugin <path_to_shared_library> <function_to_call> [<arg1> ...]
Loads specified library and calls given export function with given arguments, as
int functions_to_call(struct pluginlink * pl, int argc, char * argv[]);
function_to_call must return 0 in case of success, value > 0 to indicate error.

filtermaxsize <max_size_of_data_to_filter>
If Content-length (or another data length) is greater than given value, no data filtering will be performed thorugh filtering plugins to avoid data corruption and/or Content-Length chaging. Default is 1MB (1048576).


Report all bugs to [email protected]


3proxy(8), proxy(8), ftppr(8), socks(8), pop3p(8), tcppm(8), udppm(8), syslogd(8),


3APA3A is pronounced as ``zaraza´´.


3proxy is designed by Vladimir 3APA3A Dubrovin ([email protected])